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【更新】针对Maxis今早网络服务宕机一事,官方已做出回应,表示目前网络服务正在逐步恢复,并即将恢复正常。与此同时,Maxis 也感谢用户的理解与体谅。
UPDATE: Maxis Media Statement
We would like to update our customers who were experiencing network disruptions earlier, that services are being restored gradually, and expect full restoration soon. We would like to once again thank our customers for their understanding and patience.
Maxis今早传出服务一度当机的消息,许多用户表示无法使用网络服务,手机讯号显示「E」、「No Serive」。与此同时,不少用户也纷纷涌入 Maxis 的社交平台上留言投诉。
We are aware that some of our customers may be facing service disruption on mobile lines. We are working to restore our service as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
— Maxis (@MaxisListens) June 30, 2022